
Vidhan Sabha

LNCT University | National Cadet Corps
LNCT University
The Foundation Stone of the National Cadet Corps in LNCT University was Laid on 17th of November, 2021 under the FSFS (Fully Self Financing Scheme) scheme, inaugurated by the Honorable Brig. Sanjoy Ghosh, Group Commander NCC Bhopal.
The Foundation of NCC in our College has added a new set of passionate wings to our flight where any mediocre student can turn into a CADET imbibed with escalating calibre.
A student blended with Leadership qualities like Team Work, High Mental Stamina, Vast Knowledge Exposure, Cooperation, Confidence, and Never Giving Up Attitude, is what a CADET of NCC looks like.
By now we have the pioneer batch of NCC comprising the ARMY Wing under 1 MP CTR Unit&NAVAL Wing under 1 MP NAVAL Unit, making us proud of the activities in which they are involved and bringing laurels to our heavenly abode and developments as assets to our college & most important as a Good Human being.
Now we look forward to adding such feathers to our hat & welcome more such Cadets who will become a part of our family and turn into better Human Beings.
LNCT University NCC Wings
The National Cadet Corps (NCC) is the youth wing of the Indian Armed Forces. It is open to school and college students voluntarily, aiming to develop disciplined and patriotic citizens. NCC recruits cadets from high schools, colleges, and universities across India. The cadets receive basic military training in small arms and drills. They are not required to serve in the military after completing their course. The NCC emblem consists of three colours representing the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force, along with 17 lotuses indicating the 17 directorates.
The National Cadet Corps is headed by a Director General, an Army Officer of the rank of Lieutenant General, who is responsible for the functioning of the National Cadet Corps in the country through the National Cadet Corps Headquarters situated in Delhi. At the State Level, the country has been divided into 17 Directorates covering all States and Union Territories. Each of the State National Cadet Corps Directorate Headquarters controls two to fourteen Group Headquarters. While Directorates are commanded by Brigadiers or their equivalents, the Groups are commanded by Colonels or equivalents from the Air Force and the Navy, and NCC Units are commanded by Major/Lieutenant Colonel or their equivalents.
NCC Oath
I do hereby solemnly promise that I will serve my motherland most truly and loyally and that, I will abide by the rules and regulations of the National Cadet Corps. Further, under the command of my commanding officer, I will participate in every camp most sincerely and wholeheartedly.
We the cadets of the National Cadet Corps, do solemnly pledge that we shall always uphold the unity of India. We resolve to be disciplined and responsible citizens of our nation. We shall undertake positive community service in the spirit of selflessness and concern for our fellow beings.
Aim of NCC
The ‘Aims’ of the NCC laid out in 1988 have stood the test of time and continue to meet the requirements expected of it in the current socio–economic scenario of the country. The NCC aims at developing character, comradeship, discipline, a secular outlook, and spirit.
DG’s four cardinal principles of DISCIPLINE
NCC Song
हम सब भारतीय हैं, हम सब भारतीय हैं
अपनी मंजिल एक है,
हा, हा, हा, एक है,
हो, हो, हो, एक है।
हम सब भारतीय हैं।
कश्मीर की धरती रानी है,
सरताज हिमालय है,
सादियों से हमने इसको अपने खून से पाला है
देश की रक्षा की खातिर हम शमशीर उठा लेंगे,
हम शमशीर उठा लेंगे।
बिखरे बिखरे तारे हैं हम लेकिन झिलमिल एक है,
हा, हा, हा, एक है
हम सब भारतीय हैं।
मंदिर गुरुद्वारा भी है यहां
और मस्जिद भी है यहां
गिरिजा का है घड़ियाल कहीं
मुल्ला की कहीं है अजान
एक ही अपना राम है, एक ही अल्लाह ताला है,
एक ही अल्लाह ताला है, रंग बिरंगे दीपक हैं हम,
लेकिन जगमग एक है, हा हा हा एक है, हो हो हो एक है।
हम सब भारतीय हैं, हम सब भारतीय हैं।

NCC Flag
The NCC flag for various units of the NCC was first introduced in 1951. The flag was of the same pattern, colour and size as was used by various regiments of the Army. The only difference was that it had the NCC badge and unit designation placed in the centre. Later on it was felt that the flag should be in keeping with the inter-service character of the Corps. In 1954 the existing tricolour flag was introduced. The three colours in the flag depict the three services of the Corps, red for the Army, deep blue for the Navy and light blue for the Air Force. The letters NCC and the NCC crest in gold in the middle of the flag encircled by a wreath of lotus, give the flag a colourful look and a distinct identity.
HISTORY | National Cadet Corps
The NCC in India was formed with the National Cadet Corps Act of 1948. It was raised on 15 July 1948 the National Cadet Corps can be considered as a successor of the University Officers Training Corps (UOTC) which was established by the British in 1942. During World War II, the UOTC never came up to the expectations set by the British. This led to the idea that some better schemes should be formed, which could train more young men in a better way, even during peace times. A committee headed by Pandit H.N. Kunzru recommended a cadet organization to be established in schools and colleges at a national level. The National Cadet Corps Act was accepted by the Governor General and on 15 July 1948 the National Cadet Corps came into existence.
During the 1965 and 1971 wars with Pakistan, NCC cadets were the second line of defense. They organized camps to assist the ordinance factories, supplying arms and ammunition to the front, and also were used as patrol parties to capture the enemy paratroopers. The NCC cadets also worked hand in hand with the Civil Defense authorities and actively took part in rescue work and traffic control. After the 1965 and 1971 Indo-Pak wars the NCC syllabus was revised. Rather than just being the second line of defense, NCC syllabus laid a greater stress on developing qualities of leadership and Officer-like qualities. The military training which the NCC cadets received was reduced and greater importance was given to other areas like social service and youth-management